
Friday, March 27, 2015

How to Dry Painted Rocks with Household Items

Many items found around the house can be used for drying painted rocks.

Binder Clip - A large binder clip can be used to dry thin, painted rocks.

Foam Egg Carton - Rocks can be propped up in the carton or laid across the sections.

Regular Egg Carton - Same as foam - prop up the painted rocks or lay them across the sections.

Lazy Susan - For larger rocks which stand upright on their own, I use a Lazy Susan for painting, sealing and drying the painted rock. (I like to line the Lazy Susan with parchment paper to provide a non-stick surface.)

DIY Drying Rack - If you're handy with a hammer and nails, you can create this drying rack for your painted rocks.

Clear Carpet Runners - Flip over a carpet runner and use the gripper (pointy) side to dry lighter-weight rocks. (Instead of buying an entire runner some home improvement stores sell it by the foot.)

Carpet Runner - Gripper Side Up

© Cindy Thomas Painted Rocks